Ultimate Navigation Courses: finding your way

One of the benefits of working as an Ordnance Survey GetOutside Champion is to be offered a range of opportunities to develop your own skills and practice as part of the overall support that is offered by OS colleagues. In this, we are being encouraged to share our expertise, and to develop ourselves through the process. My educational connections mean I am always looking out for opportunities which connect with my work.

I was offered the chance to go on a navigation weekend in the Peak District offered by Ultimate Navigation.
The dates didn't work for me, but looking at the website of the company I think this is something which might be of interest to colleagues who are involved in, or in charge of Duke of Edinburgh's Award in their school (as I used to be), or just want to improve their own personal navigation skills. It is only when outside, with map and compass and interpreting the landscape that one realises why a good quality map, and the ability to interpret it without a synthesised voice telling you which way to turn, is so important. Which is where geographers come in...
